Shell CustomizationΒΆ

There will come a time when some modification of the shell environment will be desired. Fortunately, in bash this is very easily done.

Table C-1. Bash Configuration File

File Description
/etc/profile System login environment
/etc/bashrc System environment
~/. bash\_profile User login environment
~/. bashrc User environment
~/. bash\_logout User logout script

If no .bash_profile, then .bash_login, then .profile.

Table C-2. Prompt String Customization

Command Meaning
\d The date in “Weekday Month Day” format
\H The hostname
\h The hostname up to the firlst ”.”
\n A carriage return and line feed
\T The current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
\t The current time in HH:MM:SS format
\@ The current time in 12-hour am/pm format
\u The username of the current user
\w The current working directory
\W The basename of the current working directory
\# The command number of the current command
\! The history number of the current command
\$ If the effective UID is 0 print a #, otherwise print a $
\\ Print a backslash