Day 19


  • Presentations will be 5 minutes per group on Thursday, November 12 (i.e., 2 weeks from today)
  • Draft reports (~6 pages) due on Thursday, November 12 at 21:00
  • BIC tour on Monday, November 23 (during lab time)


(Remember to always add new code and text via pull-requests.)

I will check that each group completed the work from Tuesday:

  • Add TravisCI and buttons to your
  • Make sure your tests pass, add a new test

Here is what you should work on today:

  • Make a tentative roadmap for what you want to do in the next 2 weeks including who is assigned to each part

  • Make sure you have merged at least one pull request today

  • Don’t forget that a pull request needs to be reviewed by at least one person not involved in writing the code or text

  • Each team should have someone look into:

    • slides/
    • paper/report.tex, paper/report.bib

    In particular, one member of the team should create a pull request to modify slides/ (e.g., put your title, team member names, etc.). Another member of the team should create a pull request to modify paper/report.tex and paper/report.bib (e.g., put your title, team member names, references to your paper and data, etc.). A third (or possibly fourth) member should review changes, possibly make suggestions, and then merge the pull request once it is ready.


  • If you have questions about your projects, there should be a pull request with code or text and use @jarrodmillman, @matthew-brett, and/or @rossbar
  • Most of your code should be written as a collection of functions with tests, then use scripts calling these functions to perform your analysis